Its begining to look alot like Christmas around here! Okay well, not really! After all I do live in the icy north and, as you can see, there isn't a trace of snow on the ground! I think this is the first year that we've managed to decorate the outside of the house without getting frostbite! But the lack of snow leaves me with little inspiration to get in the Christmas spirit. And the unseasonably warm weather is not helping with the motivation to head to the basement to sew. I have managed to finish about half the gifts on my "to make" list. I've made 2 more superhero capes and batman masks for 2 special little boys, 3 more sunglass/glasses cases to acompany adult gifts, 2 spa gift baskets for my tween nieces, and now I'm working on a baby gift for my newest niece. I am totally feeling the stress of the season already though. Oh why didn't I start back in july??!
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